Ntshiab organic coolant
  • Ntshiab organic coolantNtshiab organic coolant

Ntshiab organic coolant

Product Summary: Cov ntshiab organic coolant tsim los ntawm Shandong Ribang Tshiab Zog Technology Co., Ltd. tau hlub los ntawm feem coob ntawm cov neeg siv khoom, lub tuam txhab tau dhau los ua tus neeg muag khoom thiab cov chaw tsim khoom ntawm cov ntshiab organic coolant hauv Suav teb, txais tos koj tuaj txog.

Qauv:Pure organic coolant

Xa lus nug

Product Description

Cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov khoom:

Ntshiab organic coolant yog tus nqi-zoo dej-soluble super concentrated kua, siv ob qho tib si organic thiab inorganic corrosion inhibitors, deionized dej, zaj duab xis ntev stability, zoo tiv thaiv txhua yam ntawm corrosion rau lub cav txias system.

Ntshiab organic coolant muaj zoo heev los tiv thaiv freezing, anti-boiling, anti-corrosion, anti-corrosion, anti-scale, anti-foam, anti-cavitation, anti-aluminium corrosion yam ntxwv. Cov khoom siv ua haujlwm ntev, tuaj yeem siv tau txhua xyoo puag ncig, siv tau ntau xyoo, tshuaj lom neeg ruaj khov, tsis muaj qhov khov thiab kub kub taw tes, tsis muaj evaporation poob, siab txias txias.

Ntshiab organic coolant uas tsis muaj silicate los yog tej zaum yuav tsim teeb meem additives, nrog ib puag ncig tiv thaiv, tsis muaj tshuaj lom, tsis-corrosive, tsis muaj kuab paug.

Khoom Parameter:

Hnub xeev
Tshooj xov tooj
Ntshiab organic coolant
API qib
Qib viscosity
-35 ℃ / -45 ℃
Kev faib tawm ntawm cov roj lubricating
Ntshiab organic coolant
keeb kwm
Tuam Tshoj
1.5/2/4/9/18 KG
Siv ntau yam
Lub cav txias

Hot Tags: Pure organic coolant, Tuam Tshoj, lwm tus neeg, manufacturers, hoobkas, ua nyob rau hauv Suav teb, lag luam wholesale, yuav, Advanced, muag kawg, Customized, dawb qauv, hauv Tshuag

Yam Qeb

Xa lus nug

Thov koj xav tias dawb muab koj qhov kev nug hauv daim ntawv hauv qab no. Peb yuav teb koj hauv 24 teev.
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